Friday, July 10, 2009

3:10 AM

Thanks Brad. I can now check LARP off of my things-to-do-before-I-marry list.

My internal clock is off. I should be sleepy.
Choreo tomorrow. Or should I say, today.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Lets keep this short.

Vegas, the home of the popped collars, high heels, and obnoxious drunks.

It's awfully hot in Vegas. A place where a little cooler meant 102 degrees. It's in the desert for god-sakes. I'm starting to loathe Vegas, and in some ways, feel offended. It's not the weather. It's just... the people.

I can't stand them.

The "ladies" with the only intention of rounding up the males. The ones with no self-respect. The ones with make-believe appearances. The ones who strut with such bawdy innuendo. Y'all need to show some decency. I have a little sister you know.

The "gentlemen" who hoots and toots for the preceding human. The ones with preoccupied eyes and heads that turn. The ones who break awkward silences in elevators just because they were born to be arrogant bastards. The ones who make sure their shirts don't come in a smaller size. The ones who think they just purely rule. The ones ones who show no respect. Y'all belong in the subhuman category.


Vegas was an accomplishment. I rode the roller coaster at New York, New York. I walked pass Quest Crew. I roamed the streets to gather inspiration. I rode the roller coaster inside Circus Circus. I found out when windows 7 was coming out. I slid down the water slide without hurting myself. I enjoyed the company of my family. I went to church. It was nice.

I still can't get over the fact that (some) adults just can't act as adults. I understand that they are trying to have fun and are "living life." Vegas may not be family friendly but they should know when things are appropriate. I don't get them.

They just march to a different drummer. I've just never really caught the rhythm.

I sound bitter.

It must be the hot weather.

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Future and Sushi (Part 2)

Eh hm.

I can hardly recall the events that happened that night. I've been busy. Yeah, right.

I could have finished writing this a week ago. And look at me now. Sitting, desperately recalling that night, fixated at the screen, and hungry. I suck.

I have nothing else to say about G-Speak. It's the future. A future that will cost you over 400 thousand dollars. A future with endless possibilities. A future that has nice black gloves which you can, in fact, laundry. We asked. It's nice to know that we are progressing.

I want to talk about this interesting character I met. His name is Blake. He works there. Genius? Probably.

Imagine this.

A white male, about 5'8.
A golden, curly Afro atop his head.
Black-rimmed glasses.
An accent. No clue. But definitely somewhere in Europe.
A shirt and a thin-jacket that looks a bit too big for his petite body.
Grey sweat pants.
A black, husky dog at his side.
Probably listens to Nirvana.

What the hell. This guy looks like he's getting out of bed. And he's at work?
He must be important. Or maybe, the company doesn't care. That's how every job should be like. Just as long as they do their work. Dress codes are for cats.

Despite his appearance, he glowed of sophistication. The casual overtone of the workplace made me feel like I was in a secret room with highly intellectual high school kiddies creating something mischievous. Like a death ray for cats.

After the G-Speak demonstration and the tour of their workplace (which included a kitchen), we, as in them, decided to eat sushi. There was six of us which included Blake and Kate. The sushi restaurant was only down the block located in the Little Tokyo Mall area. So we walked. In the night. This was downtown. I was scared, again.

Blake sat in front of me. Get this. He brought a backpack. As soon as he sat down, he opened it and pulled out several large books before he got to his notepad. He placed his notepad on the table and pulled a pencil out of his pocket. He flipped through several pages of small writing. Curiously, I saw him write the date and where he was at and what he was about to do: eat sushi at Sushi Go 55. Interesting? Yes. Weird? Hell yes.

I am a sushi neophyte. They ordered. They asked what I wanted. I nodded. They all ordered Sapporo beer. Blake likes beer. That's all I saw him drinking at the workplace. I was the last one to order a drink. Everyone glanced at me. My cousin shook his head. I ordered coke.

I must say, sushi is delicious. Except when you accidentally eat one without noticing the large chunk of wasabi placed on top of it while out of beverage. Good thing everyone was too busy talking about cryptic emails.

When asked, "What do you enjoy most about your job?" Which was directed towards Kate and Blake. Blake instantly responded, "the beer fridge, movie nights, and general witty banter." I want that job. Minus the beer.

The end.

I didn't want to do this and I'm probably too late. But here it goes.

To Michael Jackson,

I am not a hardcore fan. I haven't listened to your every song. I haven't been to your concerts. I haven't said you were my favorite artist of all time. I did, however, learn how to moonwalk at the age of 12. I did watch a documentary about your childhood. I did sing out-loud to your songs whenever played. I did learn how to artistically pelvic thrust into the air. I did learn the thriller dance with my cousins at 3am in the morning, while breaking furniture.

So thanks for the good times. May you rest in paradise.


I'm off to Vegas.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

This is Madness

I'm surrounded by hundreds, no, thousands, of paper. Four years of homework, notes, doodles, important documents all accumulated into mounds of soon-to-be trash. I hate throwing things away. Picture the movie Wall-E. In the beginning, where Wall-E is cleaning up, everything. Yeah. Now imagine that in my tiny apartment. Yeah.

I have my video camera set up so that it has an eagle eye view of everything. And a trash bag ready to be fed. I'm going to fast forward the video in post. Cool.

I should be able to just toss everything into my black hefty bag. BUT, I need to pick out high school items to store into my VAULT OF MEMORIES. Which contains significant items to reflect upon. Yeah, kind of like a scrapbook. Without the time and effort.

What a mess.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Future and Sushi (Part 1)

Last night, I encountered something so perplexing, so out of this world, that it left me with a puddle of questions and a scroll of possibilities. Just the utterance of such an idea gave me the chills. G-Speak is its name and blowing minds is its game.

I was to meet my cousin, Robbie, at downtown LA. His high school friend, Kate, was going to give us a demonstration of a new project her company (Oblong) was working on. Now Kate.. what an interesting bubble of persona. An alumni of MIT (yes, MIT) in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, currently working on her Masters in Media Arts and Sciences, she is.

Sorry, I couldn't resist. But she is pretty genius like yoda.

As I ventured through the roads with the assistance of my brand new GPS system (insert shimmery commercial jingle here), I found myself at a destination not too pleasing. Buildings that only showed signs of depreciation and artwork (to some) caught my attention. There were only two humans in sight. They didn't look too friendly. I arrived too early. I was scared.

So I sat and waited for a familiar face. I kept thinking to myself, this meeting feels a set up from those old school mobster films. I mean comon, skid row was only a few streets down. You get the idea.

Once my cousin arrived with his bubbly friend, Tate (from the USC School of Cinematic Arts), basically my hero, we scampered through the block to find our destination. And, ofcourse, their workplace was located through a side entrance of a disgusting building where you must pass a hidden sushi restaurant called "R23" before you reach the yellow paneled walls to find glass doors. This little workplace must be top secret and important to be placed in such an obscure location.

Top secret? Not so much. Very cool and futuristiky? Yes, very much so.

This little room located in a shady building contained individuals whose job it is to blow your mind. Well actually I wouldn't call it a room but, rather, a large, easily manipulated area. There were about eight geniuses, I might say, who worked in this relatively small company. Who, a majority of them, went to MIT. The school for the witty and big brained. (Sometimes I picture people that look like Jimmy Neutron walking down their halls. Cool head dude.)

One wall was made up of a huge chalkboard that required the assistance of a ladder to reach the higher layers. This green wall was blotched with formulaic compounds and algorithms beyond my comprehension. All I could comprehend was that one little section near the middle comprised of electron components in a three-dimensional space. I looked like a little boy in a candy store as I looked up at this magnificent wall of nonsense. I love that stuff. Nerdy much? I don't give a shit. I like it.

That's enough. Now to the main attraction. G-Speak.

Picture the movie Minority Report with Tom Cruise. Remember those massive, gesturally driven displays the characters use for forensic examination? The ones where a person stands and uses his hands to operate. Yeah, those. Well, let me just say, it was a jaw-dropping, glasses-fogging, inhaler breathing moment for me.

With the use of gloves and these miniature white plastic balls that were attached, you were able to operate this system. They showed us a demonstration which ranged from video editing to locating airports and visually seeing the flight patterns of the plane through G-Speak. Above us hang about 25 sensors that emitted red light towards the focus, along with about 6 projection monitors. I don't want to get into too much detail because I'll post up a video demonstrating it all. And plus explaining it all drains out the interesting factor ya know.

Let's just say it was amazing. I can imagine them integrating an FPS game which would mean full-out ingame immersion. Radical.

G-speak by Oblong Industries.

Yeah, that's right. The future is here. Whattya ganna do 'bout it?


G-Speak Overview -

Video editing using G-Speak -

Monday, June 22, 2009


First and foremost, this blog is intended to elaborate on my experiences and to delve into my introspection. Yes, interesting indeed. But why?

Because I forget.

I forget how fortunate I am. I forget how to appreciate the little things in life. I forget who I am and who I have become. It is easy to lose yourself in a world filled with coupons and fast-track passes. Life is a clutter. To sit, to reflect, to write about anything empowers me to stop and smell the roses. That to which has propelled the creation of this blog.

(On an educational note, I desperately need to improve my writing. College is down the next block and I do not want Writing to be harassing me. I will try not to be flimsy with my writing. That is all.)


Oh please, oh please. I need this.