Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Lets keep this short.

Vegas, the home of the popped collars, high heels, and obnoxious drunks.

It's awfully hot in Vegas. A place where a little cooler meant 102 degrees. It's in the desert for god-sakes. I'm starting to loathe Vegas, and in some ways, feel offended. It's not the weather. It's just... the people.

I can't stand them.

The "ladies" with the only intention of rounding up the males. The ones with no self-respect. The ones with make-believe appearances. The ones who strut with such bawdy innuendo. Y'all need to show some decency. I have a little sister you know.

The "gentlemen" who hoots and toots for the preceding human. The ones with preoccupied eyes and heads that turn. The ones who break awkward silences in elevators just because they were born to be arrogant bastards. The ones who make sure their shirts don't come in a smaller size. The ones who think they just purely rule. The ones ones who show no respect. Y'all belong in the subhuman category.


Vegas was an accomplishment. I rode the roller coaster at New York, New York. I walked pass Quest Crew. I roamed the streets to gather inspiration. I rode the roller coaster inside Circus Circus. I found out when windows 7 was coming out. I slid down the water slide without hurting myself. I enjoyed the company of my family. I went to church. It was nice.

I still can't get over the fact that (some) adults just can't act as adults. I understand that they are trying to have fun and are "living life." Vegas may not be family friendly but they should know when things are appropriate. I don't get them.

They just march to a different drummer. I've just never really caught the rhythm.

I sound bitter.

It must be the hot weather.


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